This is What I Think...

Random perspectives on random it

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Critic's State of Mind

So as you know im on my "summer reading" grind and i have stumbled upon this great book. Its called Harlem Girl Lost. Its great, fantabulous, wonderful, magnificant, all around pretty good read. It has action, drama, happy, sad, disgusting, and shocking moments all rolled in to one. I highly, strongly, outrageously recommend it because I think its an interesting book and alot of people would enjoy it and begin to open their eyes to reading more urban books. So let me give you a lil tibit of the what its about: So there is this chic named Silver right and she goes through this crazy ass life. Her moms is a prostitute/heroin addict/torn past who keeps it real with her daughter all the way. Silver goes threw losing her mother, losing her bestfriend, and basically almost everyone she cares about except for the love of her life, Chance. Read, tell me what you think, let me know who you think would play a great Silver if it was made into a movie? My vote is Kerry Washington (you kno from the Ray Charles movie).
Keep it intelligent...holla!


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