This is What I Think...

Random perspectives on random it

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Is it Always So Personal??

So today I was reading a Christina Milan interview about her new and upcoming album, So Amazin, and one sentence really stood out to me..."this album is very personal this time around". (not exact quote but u kno) And it started to make me wonder about how many times I have heard artists claim that their albums are so personal and speak to the fans. I have heard this millions of times and it makes me wonder just how personal can these albums be? Can it really be that personal when you have producers, record labels, and managers breathing down ya throat to make a HIT? How personal can a "booty shakin club banger" really be? Maybe saying ya album is personal is like saying yea i made this album with the help of all these millions of people that I will thank when I win my grammy or maybe artists are just coached to say it. I mean anything can be seen as personal. I PERSONALLY wrote this blog entry with all my heart and soul and i PERSONALLY sat up in class today silently watching the time go by. Its so vague. Besides, its not like artists REALLY reveal anything that is interesting and exciting in any of their albums. The best we get are secret love affairs or beefs that they are ready to announce to the whole world. This doesnt sound that personal to me, does it? I mean its not really a secret that is only going to be told to myself the fan..especially when the artist's true intention is to go 50 times platinum and sell like crazy. They want the whole world to know what they hold personal in that case. So the next time that u hear an artists describe their new album or maybe even old as 'personal', just think that the only REAL personal thing ya gonna get out of it is parting with ya money ;)


  • At 5:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger Aug Fresh said…

    thanks anonymous ;)

  • At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.


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