This is What I Think...

Random perspectives on random it

Friday, April 28, 2006

Can you speak up PLEASE?!

So as usual im in the library doin my regular 9-5 reading about celebrity lives and i am constantly being distrubed by this woman talking SO loud So loud to this girl next to granted this is the library so everything seems a lil louder but this girl was outrageous! Everyone's face bolted in her direction everytime she opened her mouth and this led me to think about all the other times that I have heard people talking at the top of their lungs for no reason at all...
The main people that are guilty of this is that random cellphone user that you will be sitting next to on the train or bus or shopping for some grapes in the supermarket and here yelling at the top of their lungs. The first thing you do is look directly at them not because you wanna see whose being rude but cause u are STARTLED that someone is talking unusually loud in your what is going on? is there a fire? should i be running instead of starring at you? And after that initial surprise, I think what are they talking so LOUD for?..your screaming!..we arent in a stadium, there arent 5.2 million other people here screaming at the top of their lungs..we are in a library..the silent catacombs for goodness sake, a whisper and one will surely hear every syllable out of your mouth. But you know what, at least the cellphone people have an excuse cause everyone has that moment where they talk unusually loud on the phone..why i have no idea. ..probably cause as much as we pay for plans people still spend half of the conversation saying what? huh? come again?
But the ones who annoy us the most are those who just talk so loud regardless of any cellular device..Most of the time they seem to be the same people who are all UP in ya grill when talking to you or are just straight up annoying..either way, its unneccessary..all of it unneccessary. And whats almost funny about it is that half the time, no most of the time, they have no idea that they are using a tone of voice that could be heard in a medieval times arena..i wonder how they would talk in a packed football stadium?
So to all you LOUD ass talkers out there...all i gotta say is keep it quiet, keep the peace.

take that! ;)


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